“A Place to Stay” is a Texas-wide concert tour designed to raise awareness for children in the foster care system while educating community members on how to become part of the solution. The initiative is spearheaded by leaders from the music industry, the foster care and adoption system, state government, private industry, and philanthropy, all working together in an innovative public-private partnership. The goals of the tour, focused on the 12 most “in need” markets in Texas, are to increase the number of families involved in foster care, strengthen synergy between, and collaboration of family based non-profits, and provide effective programming to key faith based and other community organizations.
The events, featuring songs written specifically about the foster care experience, are a unique combination of music, video, and education designed to encourage attendees to get involved. Led by Texas songwriting icon Radney Foster and Kyle Hutton, each tour stop will also include appearances by guest speakers and artists.
San Angelo – 9/7/18
Waco – 10/14/18
Midland – 1/27/19
San Antonio – 3/3/19
Amarillo – 5/5/19
Fort Worth
Corpus Christi

Tour to be completed by first quarter 2020

The “A Place to Stay Tour for Foster Awareness” can be divided into three distinct categories of action: Pre Event – Event – Post Event. The functions performed in each of these categories create a conveyor belt designed to increase the level of community involvement with the foster children in their areas.

12 Markets indentified in conjunction with DFPS based on criteria including number of children in foster care, available for adoption, or communities in need of mobilization. The Pre Event phase involves the critical activities encompassed under the umbrella of Vision-Casting & Infrastructure Building including:


  • Local ministry/nonprofit partner selection and training
  • Development and coordination of Impact Team
  • Venue, artist and date availability
  • Digital content development
  • Local market advertising and publicity
  • Show production logistics and advance

Cost per event can vary by market based on venue fees, guest artist fees and travel related expenses. The event phase includes:


  • Coordination of volunteers, churches, nonprofits, foster families, media, vendors and general public
  • Management of all details associated with event including audio, video, musicians, crew, hospitality
  • Presentation of grant to lead event partner in each market, to be utilized / dispersed within community
Post Event
The Post Event phase is the follow-through arm of the event that will aid in moving families from interested to engaged. Functions within this phase include:

  • Next steps for families. Working with local Child Placement Agencies, nonprofits and faith based organizations to follow up with interested families to identify next steps including; foster care, respite care, babysitting
  • Nonprofit / Ministry Enhancement. Continued consulting with local nonprofits and ministries to further immediate results and long term sustainability and collaboration
  • Impact Measurement. Monitoring results data related to number of families engaged, ministry program enhancement, and nonprofit community collaboration.
Budgeted Cost per Market
Pre Event: $8,000 – $10,200

Event: $9,000-$15,000 per market cost, plus $10k donation to local organization

Post Event: $8,100 per market

Total Per Market $25,100 – $33,300 plus $10k donation to local organization

Bowen Family Foundation Ask:

The RLRM Foundation would like to respectfully ask the following participation from The Bowen Family Foundation. The request is broken in to two parts, the Waco component, and the statewide component.

The Waco Component:

In addition to a possible financial commitment the Bowen Family Foundation brings a wealth of community level relationships that can help make the event a success.

We hope to partner in the areas of: media contacts/outlets, local sponsors, and spreading the word to fans thru the BFF fan network.

Our financial ask for the Waco event is $20,000.

Ten thousand dollars of the funds will go directly to the lead local non-profit involved in the event. The remainder will help fund the costs listed above in the Pre Event, Event, and Post Event efforts in the Waco area.

Waco Component Benefits:

  • Recognition as presenting sponsor on all web, social media, print, radio & TV
  • Logo banner at entrance of event
  • Recognition from stage day of show
  • Participation in presentation of check to lead local non-profit, on stage during event
  • Logo on check presented to lead local non-profit
  • 10 reserved seats to event
  • Autographed event guitar

The Statewide Component:

In the event that the BFF is interested in joining our efforts outside the Waco area we will tailor a package that meets the desired budget of the foundation. We are extremely interested in having the BFF as a partner statewide and would be very interested in putting together a package that included a financial component and a component that allowed for the leveraging of BFF relationships across the state to increase the success of our efforts.