It’s easy to point out the problems with a process when you aren’t involved in its inner workings. Don’t get us wrong when we start talking smack about the fostering system. We are working towards a more successful process, and want to spread awareness in order to get more support from readers like you. All we want is more people helping more kids in need. There are plenty of misconceptions and little-known facts about fostering. In fact, most people who aren’t directly involved don’t know anything at all. We wanted to put this together in order to show you why we need your help!
Over 25% of Foster Care Teens will age out and become Homeless
Many have heard of the teen orphan effect. Thousands of orphans and teens in foster care will not be adopted and forced to strike out into the world with little to no support, and no family. Statistics show that over one in five foster children will age out and become homeless. So what can we do to fix this? Those kids need families. When you think of fostering you probably think of babies and small children. These children need brave souls who can take on the older kids, love them, and give them the transitional support that they need to lead successful adult lives.
Foster Parents get Little to No Support
Being a foster parent sounds scary enough. It’s even scarier when you’re all alone in doing it. The guardians of these children need a group of people to rally around them in support. Why is it so hard to find friends and family who can be supporters? The system requires that babysitters must have been background checked, fingerprinted, and more. Most people truly just don’t want to put in the extra effort. Whether or not you want to personally take in some kids, you don’t realize how much you can help by simply being there for other foster parents. Get your background check, get those fingerprints done, and seek out a foster parent to whom you can be a helping hand.
The Politics
We have high hopes for this one. In the past, there has been little political will to seek out and recruit families into the foster care system. The system also needs more funding in order to reach its full potential. Most CPS workers are grossly underpaid and over-worked. We are excited to be working directly with the Texas state government to bring more awareness to families in Texas and the South U.S. We hope this partnership will allow us to reform the system through more awareness, recruiting, and funding.
We hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about the Foster Care system. You can learn more on our website and other blogs. Be sure to like us on Facebook for updates about our mission and to read more blogs like this one!