Bonding with your Adopted Baby

Bonding with your Adopted Baby

The decision to adopt a baby is a big one! It can be one of the most exciting times for a family, but like any big decision, there will be some worry. Remember this is natural- don’t fret it. Some parents worry about the bonding process, and if the baby will ever...
Spotlight on Treatment Foster Parents

Spotlight on Treatment Foster Parents

Everyday people just like you and me are agreeing to foster some of the most fragile and misunderstood children in the foster care system, committing to caring for them and giving them the love and treatment they so desperately need. Treatment foster parents care for...
It’s Okay to Say “No”

It’s Okay to Say “No”

As a foster parent, you carry a burden on your heart that wants to help all children who need a family and a place to stay. That’s why you joined the system. However, it’s not realistic, nor smart to say yes to every placement call you receive. Sometimes, saying no is...
Helping your Foster Kids Through the Holidays

Helping your Foster Kids Through the Holidays

The holiday season is known as the greatest time of the year, but it can also be one of the most stressful- for reasons unique to each individual. For foster children, especially those new to the system or to one particular foster home, they’ll likely find themselves...
The Importance of Establishing a Routine

The Importance of Establishing a Routine

Foster kids have moved around a lot in their lives, from house to house and family to family. Along with each of the new territories comes new rules and territory to adapt to. Because of this, a lot of change or lack of structure can cause foster kids to feel uneasy....